


ホーム | Vintage Pins(ピンズ・ピンバッジ) > USA /UK PinsDeadstock US.Military Pins #753 US.Military China Burma India Theater (CBI)

Deadstock US.Military Pins #753 US.Military China Burma India Theater (CBI)

販売価格: 1,485円(税込) [通常販売価格: 1,650円]
[在庫数 1点]
Deadstock US.Military Pins #753 US.Military China Burma India Theater (CBI) Pin 小
縦約2.0cm×横約1.5cm  Butterfly clutch(Double) 
【\1,500+TAX 】

☆China Burma India Theater (CBI) was the United States military designation during World War II for the China and Southeast Asian or India–Burma (IBT) theaters. Operational command of Allied forces (including US forces) in the CBI was officially the responsibility of the Supreme Commanders for South East Asia or China. However, US forces in practice were usually overseen by General Joseph Stilwell, the Deputy Allied Commander in China; the term "CBI" was significant in logistical, material and personnel matters; it was and is commonly used within the US for these theaters.

Well-known Allied units in the CBI included the Chinese Expeditionary Force, the Flying Tigers,transport and bomber units flying the Hump, the 1st Air Commando Group, the engineers who built Ledo Road, the 5307th Composite Unit (Provisional), popularly known as "Merrill's Marauders", and the 5332d Brigade, Provisional or 'Mars Task Force', which assumed the Marauders' mission.




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